Glass Masters

Fast and Friendly Service

Auto Glass Services in Salina, KS

Free Estimates

35+ Years of Experience

Same-Day Services Available


Your Local Auto Glass Specialists

Proudly serving the Salina, KS area since 2009, Glass Masters provides complete, professional auto glass solutions at competitive rates. You can always count on our skilled crew for quality workmanship and outstanding customer service. At Glass Masters, your satisfaction is guaranteed!

Call (785) 825-1800 for your free estimate.

At Glass Masters, we work with most major insurance companies and will handle all the necessary paperwork for you, so you don't have to stress about it!

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Here's what our satisfied customers are saying...

Why Choose Glass Masters?

From small chip repairs to full windshield replacements, we do it all!

Over 35 Years of Auto Glass Experience

Same-Day Services Available

In Business Since 2009

Foreign and Domestic Vehicles

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